Bureau of Jewish Education
Bureau of Jewish Education
Cultivating Jewish pride, participation, and leadership in
Southern California teens and youth

Tikkun Olam

Inspired by the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), TALIT Nation and Adat Noar members have the chance to "get their hands dirty" in pursuit of improving our community.
Social Action Sundays are an important part of the Bureau's core 8th through 12th grade programs.  Whether packing bags for the hungry, marching to end genocide, or repairing the environment, our student community is taught to give back.
For those who want more direct experience in making the world a better place, Young Philanthropy helps shape the next generation of philanthropic community leaders.  9th thru 12th grade students participating in either TALIT Nation's Social Action Sundays or in Young Philanthropy both have the opportunity to earn community service hours, and to work towards a President's Volunteer Service Award.