Bureau of Jewish Education
Bureau of Jewish Education
Cultivating Jewish pride, participation, and leadership in
Southern California teens and youth

Role Models

How do TALIT Nation and Adat Noar make Judaism relevant and fun?  We hire an incredible group of young Jewish adults to facilitate and supervise all of our retreats and events.  At TALIT Nation, Adat Noar, and Community Shabbaton programs, led by our energetic and experienced staff, students learn from role models who have a deep connection to their own Judaism.
With educators and counseling staff serving as role models both creatively and Jewishly, the experiences help students delve deeper and transform their ideas about what it means to be Jewish.
The connection between staff and participants doesn't end when the buses head home from camp.  Throughout the year, Bureau staff members communicate with participants to keep them up to date on upcoming events, important Jewish news in the world, and let them know how to stay involved with the Jewish community year 'round.