Bureau of Jewish Education
Bureau of Jewish Education
Cultivating Jewish pride, participation, and leadership in
Southern California teens and youth

Camp Retreats

Camp is a place where young people can comfortably share impactful non-traditional educational experiences with friends, and the Bureau's weekend camp retreats provide a foundation for Jewish friendships that last a lifetime.  On Friday afternoon, students are transported to a beautiful Southern California Jewish camp, beginning a weekend filled with fun, music, Shabbat celebration, learning, a Saturday night social, dancing and more.
Our flagship TALIT Nation program for high school students includes three 9th-12th grade weekend retreats.  With hundreds of Jewish teens coming together from an area stretching from Long Beach to Riverside to South Orange County, TALIT Nation weekends are filled with chances for attendees to gather with old friends, meet new ones, and learn more about themselves, their community and their Judaism.
The Adat Noar program for 8th grade students offers two retreats each year.  Adat Noar is planned and organized in partnership with the synagogues across our region.

The annual Community Shabbaton gives 3rd thru 7th graders their own chance to experience the joys of getting away on a unique and wonderful retreat, make new friends, and embrace their Judaism.