Bureau of Jewish Education
Bureau of Jewish Education
Cultivating Jewish pride, participation, and leadership in
Southern California teens and youth


One of the not-so-hidden meanings behind TALIT is that Teens Are Leaders In Training.  Helping students learn to lead in accordance with our Jewish values is a key part the Bureau's mission.  There are a variety of leadership programs that the Bureau offers to high schoolers.

Advanced Camp Leadership (ACL) is the Bureau's intensive Counselor-In-Training program, where students are prepared to become counselors at Bureau retreats and in Jewish summer camps throughout Southern California.

Young Philanthropy offers students training and hands-on experience in direct service, advocacy, and charitable giving.

Teen Leadership Board is an executive board that helps direct the course of TALIT Nation programs each year, representing a cross-section of synagogues and grade levels.  These student leaders take on additional responsibilities during weekend retreats, Jewbilation events, Social Action Sundays, recruiting, and more.